November 28, 2020
A positive case of COVID-19 has been identified by the Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU) affecting John Paul II Catholic Secondary School (JPII) in London.
Parents/guardians and staff in the JPII community have been notified of the case. The school will remain open and school buses will continue to operate.
The MLHU is currently investigating the case and is in the process of identifying the individual’s close contacts. The MLHU will provide advice and support to close contacts in navigating this situation.
The MLHU investigators will only contact students and staff identified as a close contacts. If someone is not contacted by the MLHU investigators, they are not considered to be at risk. Close contacts are being advised to stay home and quarantine. For more information, visit the MLHU website ( or call 519-663-5317.
Staff at John Paul II will work with students and families to ensure learning continues for those who are self-isolating at home.
The LDCSB posts information about all confirmed active cases on our website at (click the Status of LDCSB Schools link).