English as a Second Language

Department Extension - 22240
Ms. Valerio-Harriman - Department Head
Ms. Milotic - Assistant Department Head
Mr. Novoa - ESL Intake & Support
Ms. Bondy
TVO.ME NEWCOMERS is an excellent resource put together by the Government of Ontario.  It includes valuable information for newcomers about their new home – Ontario, Canada. 
Topics include: Daily Life, Politics and Your Rights, Indigenous Perspectives, Money and Finances, Discover Ontario, Employment and Careers, and Canadian Stories. 
Each topic has subtopics that provide detailed information and opportunities for skill development.  It will help new families to our Community transition into their new life a little easier.
ESL News Reports
Our ESL students have been creating new reports - some based on actual events, some purely fictional.
Here are some of their incredible stories:
Opinion Pieces
One of the ESL assignments was an opinion piece on whether government funds should support the space program. Here are two opposing arguments: