Communication Between Home & School


Contact Information

In order for the school to maintain communication with families it is critical that we have updated contact information.  Parents and students are asked to report any changes or errors in demographic information to the school right away.  Changes in phone numbers, addresses or other important information can be reported to the main office. 


School Messenger

This system is used to make automated attendance calls to homes and can also be used to provide mass communication about important events at the school.  While it can sometimes be frustrating for parents and guardians when errors occur, it is a useful way to communicate to the entire JP community. 


Communication with Teachers

There are a number of ways to maintain contact between home and individual teachers.  Here are some of the more common forms

Telephone – Please contact the school at 519-675-4432 and our friendly office staff will help direct you. 

Electronic Mail – Teachers are encouraged to provide students with their system e-mail address as part of the introduction to the course.  This is an effective way to maintain communication and is often used by teachers and parents.  Each student has an assigned LDCSB email address. 

VLE or D2L – This is a communication platform that has been adopted in a number of school boards.  It is a convenient way for teachers to post assignments, notes, receive assignments, communicate with students and parents and manage classes generally. 


Parent Portal

Parents are given a personal log in at the beginning of each school year. The portal provides access to personal information relating specifically to the individual student including attendance, marks and report cards.  The portal is under constant review and update and the features are expanding regularly. 


Reporting of Academic Progress and Achievement


Progress Reports 

  • are sent home with students at about the fifth or sixth week of each semester and indicate how the student is progressing in the early stages of classes.  The Progress Reports are also invitations for parents, guardians and students to participate in parent-teacher conferences. 

Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences

  • provide an opportunity for families to speak with individual teachers and the administration about individual student achievement. 

Report Cards

  • are formal reports of student achievement and include a mark, comment about student performance and letter codes indicating achievement of learning skills.  Report cards are sent home with students during the school year and are made available in the office of the school during the summer.  It is strongly recommended that parents, guardians and students keep copies of these reports for their personal records.  Copies of all mid-term and final report cards are kept at school in the Ontario Student Record or OSR. 

Please note:  Dates are posted on the annual school and system calendars. 


Adult Students – 18 years and older

When a student reaches the age of 18, they are considered to be an adult under the law and the school must communicate with that person directly and not through parents.  It is possible for a student to give permission to retain parental contact with the school and it is strongly recommended that parents and students have a conversation about maintaining parental support.  Forms are available through the school. 


School Council

This is a formal body consisting of parents, students, community members, Parish representative and members of school staff.  The purpose of the School Council is to engage all members of the school community in a conversation about policies and programs of the school and to provide input and guidance to the Principal in the planning and operation of the school.  Meetings are chaired by a parent chair and held throughout the year as required and communicated.  Parents are encouraged to participate in the School Council and should contact the Principal if interested.